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Menstrual Flu Guide

بواسطة HwangAlex 23 Feb 2024 0 تعليقات

Menstrual Flu Guide 

What is Menstrual Flu?

Menstrual Flu. Some women experience a range of flu-like symptoms in the days leading up to their period. This might be a headache and nausea, possibly stomach discomfort or nasal congestion. It could be all of the above!

Although menstrual flu is not a medically recognized diagnosis, it's a commonly used term we employ when experiencing these symptoms, feeling as if we have the flu due to the surge in hormones and flu-like effects. Premenstrual syndrome.

What Causes Menstrual Flu?

Many women experience menstrual flu-like symptoms after ovulation when estrogen levels drop sharply, while progesterone levels rise. This fluctuation is a normal part of your menstrual cycle, although doctors have not formally linked it to why symptoms of premenstrual syndrome become more severe.

How to Treat Menstrual Flu

There are some simple self-care practices you can do at home to alleviate symptoms of menstrual flu. Staying hydrated can help, and knowing when to rest is also important. A healthy balanced diet is also a good idea, limiting intake of processed foods, alcohol, and sugar.

Gentle exercises like yoga or walking are also great natural remedies for treating menstrual flu. Getting outside to breathe fresh air, moving your body helps increase endorphins and promote blood flow, thus improving symptoms.

Some women may find medications helpful in treating menstrual flu. Talk to your doctor to discuss the various treatment options available to you.

Symptoms of Menstrual Flu

While menstrual flu is different from the flu (which is a highly contagious viral illness sometimes requiring medication), the symptoms are very similar.

The main symptoms of menstrual flu include:


Muscle aches




Joint pain


Back pain

Abdominal pain or tenderness



Feeling tired or fatigued

Joint pain


Difficulty concentrating

What is Menstrual Flu

Sound a bit familiar? You're not alone. The National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome (NAPS) states that up to 30% of UK women experience symptoms such as bloating, headaches, breast tenderness, along with fatigue, lethargy, and a range of other symptoms every month.

While menstrual flu doesn't happen to everyone, and not all symptoms need to occur simultaneously, it's widely considered to be part of some people's menstrual cycles.

Stages of the Menstrual Cycle

Throughout the menstrual cycle, stages occur where hormones change, affecting your body and mood.

The menstrual cycle begins from the first day of menstruation, which occurs because the body releases an unfertilized egg during menstruation. Menstrual blood also consists of vaginal fluid and endometrial tissue. Bleeding can last for about 2-7 days.

During this time, the follicular phase of your cycle is also active. This is where follicles form on the ovaries. These follicles start to develop and grow eggs, one of which will eventually become large enough to be released.

Estrogen also begins to rise sharply during this time, which may lead to breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.

At the end of this phase, the mature egg is released and starts its journey down the fallopian tube, known as ovulation. This crucial phase of the menstrual cycle lasts only a day and is also the time you're most likely to conceive each month.

After ovulation, progesterone levels rise, leading to breast swelling, tenderness, bloating, anxiety, fatigue, depression, mood swings, weight gain, and decreased libido. This is the luteal phase, also the longest phase of the cycle, lasting about 12-14 days.

As the mature egg is reabsorbed into the body (if not pregnant), the cycle begins again as the egg is released as part of menstruation. Estrogen and progesterone levels both drop, so many women start to feel better at the onset of their period.

Tracking your menstrual cycle is a good way to understand your cycle and what's normal for you. It can also help you better understand the changes happening in your body and how monthly hormonal fluctuations affect you. Knowing what to expect can help you better manage symptoms of menstrual flu. Knowledge is power, so empowering yourself with as much information about your cycle as possible is your mission.

Preparing for Your Period

Once you understand your cycle and what to expect, you'll have a good understanding of your flow and what's normal. Many women typically experience the heaviest bleeding in the first day or two of their period, when symptoms of premenstrual syndrome may also be most severe.

Taking measures to really take care of yourself during this part of your cycle (self-care for women is important throughout the entire month, especially during this part of the menstrual cycle!) and preparing for your period. Wearing a comfortable pair of period pants can eliminate the hassle of changing pads or tampons in cramped cubicles and can gently support you when you're bleeding directly.

Our period pants feature a four-layer design for enhanced leak protection. Plus, you'll have a stylish pair of pants that won't dig into your belly, alleviating the aggravation of nausea or cramps.

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